● Introduction 

    Today in this specific Article we will be Discussing about G-4, G-7 (G-6,G-8,G-10,G-11,D-10) Groups. They are all International Political Alliances & Some Nations are part of it. Sometimes You might have heard on TV or Read in Newspaper something like G-7 2020 meet held in USA or Upcoming G-7 Meet will held in Britain or G-4 Has Discussed about Their Demands to UN. So, in this Article we are going to Know about these Groups.

● What is G-4 ?

     The G-4 is Political Cooperative Alliance of Four Nations.

  1) India

  2) Germany

  3) Japan

  4) Brazil

The Group was Created in 2005. The purpose or Goal or Demand is to get Permanent Seat on United Nations Security Council. In order to get Permanent Seat on UNSC, these 4 Nations Agreed to support Each other's Bid. These four Nations are among the Elected Non-permanent  Members of Security Council since Establishment of UN. The Political and Economic influence of G-4 Nations have Grown significantly in the Last Decades.

G-4 Nations 

  • Support They are getting from different Nations for Permanent Seat.

   1) G-4 is Supported By UK and France.

    2) UK & USA supports Japan.

    3) All Permanent Members of Supported India Except China.

   4) Brazil got Offered by USA to get Permanent Seat with one Condition,  Veto will not be given.


● What is G-7 ?

      This is also an Inter Government Political Group. Consist of 

    1) USA

    2) UK

    3) France 

    4) Japan

    5) Germnay 

    6) Italy

    7) Canada

      Actually this group was Initially G-5 then Italy joined The Group and it became G-6 and then Canada joined and it became G-7, then Russia Joined and it became G-8 but when Russia invaded & Recaptured Crimea of Ukraine,  Russia was removed from Group and it again turned into G-7 (7 Stands for No. Of Member Nations). The group consists of some World's Largest IMF (International Monetary Fund) Advanced Economy and Wealthiest Liberal Democracies. The Major purpose of G-7 is discuss and act to help global problems, with a special Focus on Economic Issues. In or Around 1970 the group has discussed Financial Crisis, Monetary Systems and Major Global Crisis, Such as Oil Crisis. There are some Possibilities of extending G-7 to G-11 By adding India, Russia, South Korea, Australia. But European Countries like France and Canada opposed the addition of Russia, so May be G-7 Will only be able to extend till G-10. The British Prime Minister also suggested to Create D-10 with same Nations to discuss on other Issues than G-10.

G-7 Meet