➤ Primary Organs of UNO

      In this POST we are going to discuss about Six Bodies or Organs of United Nations Organization. Now, What is United Nations Organization ?, well this is probably a good question. if you want you can  Click Here. It may help you understand that. As we know that every working institutes have different sub-units for different Work. Let's take one example for better Understanding, Nirma University has Student Section for Student Queries and Chemistry Department for Chemical Engineering and Sport Department for Sport related issues. So you can see that all this Departments works under Nirma University or we can say all these are Organs of University, So in exact Similar way United Nation has Six Different Department for Different works. So, Let's start Understanding about all bodies one by one.

● Organs of UNO
 1) General Assembly 
       If you see, Name includes word 'General'  Means for all. This Assembly includes all UN member Countries. Thats mean the Number of Countries Part of UN must be a Part of General Assembly or Vice-versa. This the most Deliberative Assembly of The United Nation which means this Assembly includes Discussions, Meetings, Debate, Recommendation etc. Meet of This Assembly occurs at September of Every Year but Assembly can call emergency meet at Any Time (Headquarter is in Newyork). The Chief of This Assembly known as President who is  elected among Member states of UN on a Rotating Religious basis. It has 21 Vice-President. The First meet of this Assembly held on 10, January, 1946 in Methodist centre hall London with Representatives of 51 Nations.

● Work of This Assembly includes 
  1) Admission of New Member State to UN through Voting.
  2) Budget related Discussions.
  3) Assembly can make any recommendation on any Matter of UN except Peace & Security which is in power of Security Council but Assembly can give suggestions to Security Council.
  4) Election of 
      • Non-permanent Members of Security Council.
      • All members of ECOSOC (Economic & Social Council).
      • UN secretary General ( following their proposal by Security Council)
      • 15 Judges of International Court of Justice.

● Any Draughted Resolution can be forwarded to the General Assembly by Six Main Committees.
    1) First Committee - Disarmament & International Security
    2) Second Committee - Economic & Financial
    3) Third Committee - Social, Humanitarian & Cultural
    4) Fourth Committee - Special Political & Decolonization
    5) Fifth Committee - Administrative & Budgetary
    6) Sixth Committee - Legal

● There is 2 More Committees of General Assembly.
    1) General Committee - A Supervisory Committee made of Assembly's President,  Vice-President and Committee Heads.
    2) Credentials Committee - Responsible for Verifying the Credentials of UN's Each Member State's Representatives.

2) Security Council
     This is the most Powerful body among all the Other Bodies. This body's work was the main purpose of Making UNO. The responsibility of this Council is to Maintain Peace and Security among Countries (Headquarter is in Newyork). The Other Bodies can only make Suggestions or Recommendations to Member states while Security Council has power to Make binding Decisions ( Under terms of UN Charter Article 25). 

● This Council Includes 15 Members. 

  • 5 Permanent Members.
    1) USA
    2) England 
    3) France 
    4) Russia 
    5) China 
    These Permanent Members have Veto power. (Want to know about veto power ? Click Here and Read the Article).
  • 10 Elected Members 
     This Members are elected by General Assembly and have working period of 2 Years.  

● This Council has Right to Pass Compulsory Resolution.

● Presidency of this Council rotates among its Members Alphabetically every Month.

3) UN Secretariat 
     This Body of UN is supports all other UN bodies Administratively (Headquarter at Newyork). The Chief of this Body is called as Secretary General and who is  Chief Administrative Officer of UN and also a leader of UN. The role of Secretary General is De Facto Spokeperson. There is 1 Deputy Secretary General and staff of International Civil Servants to assist Secretary General. 
UN Secretariat provides Studies, Information & Facilities to Other UN bodies for their Gatherings. The Secretary General can also bring to Attention of Security Council for any any Matter which in his opinion threaten the Maintenance of Peace & Security ( Article-99 UN Charter). This Body carries out Tasks suggested by Security Council, General Assembly, ECOSOC & other UN bodies.

● The Office has dual Work
   1) Administration of UN.
   2) Diplomat & Mediator addressing disputes between Nations & Finding Agreement to Global Issue.

●  Secretary General till Now.

    Gladwyn Jebb Served as Secretary General till Trygve Lie Elected.
  1.  Trygve Lie - 2,Feb,1945 to 10,Nov,1952   
  2.  Dag Hammarskjöld - 10,April,1953 to 18,Sep,1961
  3.  U Thant - 30,Nov,1961 to 31,Dec,1971
  4.  Kurt Waldheim - 1,Jan,1971 to 31,Dec,1981
  5.  Javier Pērēzdecuēllar - 1,Jan,1982 to 31,Dec,1991
  6.  Boutros Ghali - 1,Jan,1992 to 31,Dec,1996
  7. Kofi Annan - 1,Jan,1997 to 31,Dec,2006
  8.  Ban ki Moon - 1,Jan,2007 to 31,Dec,2016
  9.  Antonio Guterres - 1,Jan,2017  to till now.
● U Thant of Burma was the 1st Non-European Secretary General.

4) International Court of Justice
      As per name we get Idea about the work this Body. This Body is Primary Judicial Organ of UN ( Headquarter at Hague, Netherlands). It is Composed of 15 Judges. All Judges Appointed by General Assembly and the Time Period of service is 2 years. Each Judge must be of Different Nation Member. 

● The work of this body is to Adjudge disputes among Countries related to 
    1) War Crimes 
    2) Illegal State Interference 
    3) Ethnic Cleansing 
    4) Some Other Issues

● This is the only Organ of UN not located in Newyork.

● International Court of Justice can also be called upon by Other UN organs to provide advisory Opinions.

International Court of Justice Building 

5) Economic & Social Council (ECOSOC)
     The main work of this Body is to give assistance to General Assembly for promoting International Economic and Social Cooperation & Development. It has 54 Member states elected by General Assembly for 3 year term and President of this Body also elected by General Assembly for 1 year term service amongst the Middle or Small power represented on ECOSOC. The Annual meet of this Body held in july of Every Year in New York or Geneva. 

● Function of this Body includes 
   1) Information Gathering 
   2) Advising Member Nations 
   3) Making Recommendation

● There is some Subsidiary bodies of ECOSOC.

   1) United Nations Permanent forum on Indigenous Issue 
   2) United Nations forum on Forests
   3) United Nations statistical Commission 
   4) Commission of Sustainable development


6) Trusteeship Council (Currently Inactive)
     Work of this body is to administering Trust Territories. It was Mainly designed to Manage Colonial Possession that were former League of Nations Mandates. It has been Inactive since 1994 when Palau, the last trust Territory got Independence. 

● Specialized Agencies.
       According to UN Charter, all Primary Organs of UN can make Specialized Agencies to fulfil its Duties. Lets take one example to understand this, For Bank Main purpose is to Exchange money among People and for completing its Duty Manager of Bank Divide work among their Employees that Some Employees will receive money and some will give and for Queries related issues there is another Man so that's how Bank works, in Similar way Consider UN's Primary Organs as Bank Manager who is splitting their employees (Creating Agencies) to fulfil its Duty. 

● Here is List of Specialized Agencies. ( Agency Name, Short Form, Establishment Year Respectively).
  1.  Food & Agriculture Organization - FAO - 1945
  2.  International Civil Aviation Organization  - ICAO - 1947
  3.  International Fund for Agriculture Development - IFAD - 1977
  4.  International Labour Organization - ILO - 1946
  5.  International Maritime Organization - IMO - 1948
  6.  International Monetary Fund - IMF - 1945
  7.  International Telecommunication Union  - ITU - 1947
  8.  United Nations Education, Scientific & Cultural Organization - UNESCO - 1946
  9.  United Nations Industrial Development Organization - UNIDO - 1967
  10.  United Nations World Tourism Organization - UNWTO - 1974
  11.  Universal Postal Union - UPU - 1947
  12.  World Bank Group - WBG - 1945
  13.  World Health Organization - WHO - 1948
  14.  World Intellectual Property Organization - WIPO - 1974 
  15.  World Meteorological Organization - WMO - 1950
  16.  United Nations Children's Fund - UNICEF - 1946