● Introduction 

        Today we are going to Discuss about Veto power & what it is & which Countries have Veto Power. keep reading this & you will get to know How many times and by which Countries it is used ? And this Article is going to be short & Sweet, So lets Start with Exact Definition.

● Veto Power

       The Exact Meaning of veto according to Google is to refuse to give an Official permission for an action or plan, when other People ( in case of UN, other Countries) have Agreed to it. Most of people are aware of Veto as they heard like china has Veto, Russia used Veto etc but most of them do not know the Exact Definition of it. So, this was the meaning of Veto.

      This Power has been in hands of Powerful People since Past, in the era of Kingdoms & Empires, all power were in hands of Kings & Emperors or we could simply say in hands of Ruling Person. But in that era people had no word like veto but yes they were aware of Process, for Example in that time any person made recommendation or request to a king, No matter if whole Realm is agreed to it ( we could not say Exact like they were agreed because they had no right to speak or to make choices). If king don't want, king would refuse it. So this is exactly we could say King used Veto against so and so Resolution. people in past were aware of this power but not this Word.

32nd President of USA who introduced Veto.

     We have taken one example of Past, so now let's take one example of Present , United Nations, a world level Organization to prevent Wars among Countries, have one Department or Body, Security Council whose work is to Maintain peace & Security among Member Nations of UN (READ IN DETAIL ABOUT SECURITY COUNCIL). Security Council has 15 Members in which 5 Members are permanent and others are elected. Five Permanent Nations have veto power, which they Can use to prevent some resolutions being  pass. But they are using it to defend their Countries Intrests or to uphold tenet of their Foreign Policy or to promote single issue of particular importance to the State. According to many people worldwide, UN is biased and in hands of Some countries or Some countries has power of UN. Yes, I am also with those people who think that. For Example if the Countries with veto power attacked another country then it is duty of UN to stop it but for that UN have to pass Resolution against that Country but if country has veto, then that Country would never allow that Resolution to pass, clearly we can notice, this is Biased body (Then & than UN has been compared with Democracy). we are just discussing on this issue as we have right to do it but also we have to understand that it is not Easy to handle International politics with out some Superior Countries. For Example if class teacher leaves class or teacher has no Power then students will start making Noice and Arguments with each other and some times fight also happens (Inshort Every student would do whatever they want), So for Controlling students or preventing those Noice and all, Class Teacher should have Power and because of that Power Student will remain under Control of Specific Institute. So compare Teacher with veto power Countries, Students with Other Member Nations and Institute with UN. Now i hope you did understand it.

● Countries with Veto Power and No. Of times Veto Used by them


     1) Russia/USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)

        Yes, Russia has veto Power. Russia was first USSR, later after losing some Area it became Russia. Russia Used most of Veto Power out of Total veto used by All other veto carrying Countries. Approx. Veto used by Russia is 117 times. Russia used its 1st Veto on a Drought resolution regarding the withdrawal of Foreign Troops from Lebanon & Seria.

     2) United States of America (USA)

     Another country with veto is USA, a well known veto country, because Concept of veto were given by American President Franklin Roosevelt. America used its veto Approx. 82 times. On 17, March, 1970 USA used its 1st veto. USA has been using veto Most frequently since 1970 to block Decisions that it regards as Detrimental to the Israel.

    3) United Kingdom or England 

     England used its veto appox. 29 Times. England used its 1st veto on 30, October, 1956 during Suez Crisis. England is not Using veto more Frequently.

    4) China or Republic of China

      Republic of China used its 1st veto on 14, December, 1955 and then remaining were used by People's Republic of China or simply we can say China. Total No. Of Veto used by China is 17.

    5) France 

       France is the only Nation who used its veto lowest among 5 Nations. France used its 1st Veto on 26, June, 1946 on Spanish Question. France used its veto 16 Times.

This Data source is Wikipedia.

● Read about UNITED NATIONS.

● Read About Organs of UN.