●  Regulating Act (1773)
  • Governor of Bengal rank Promoted to the Governor General of Bengal.
    • The Parliament of British Government got right to interfere in the affairs of East India Company.
    • The End of Dual administration system.
    • A Supreme court set-up at Calcutta headed by Elijah Impey.

●  Pitts India Act (1784)
    • The Act Established six commissioners for the affairs of India.
    • The body known as Board of Control, the job of body were to Do Control over the Board of Directors.(Administrators of Company)

●  The Charter Act - 1793
    • The Power of Board of Control were given to the President.
●  The Charter Act - 1813
    • The Act abolished the Monopoly of the company in India except the field of Tea.
    • Indian Trade was thrown open to all the British Merchants.

●  The Charter Act - 1833
    • East India Company became purely Administrative Body.
   • The Governor General of Bengal was designated as the Governor General of India.
    • William Bentinck thus became the first Governor General of India.

● The Charter Act - 1853
    • The no. of Directors were reduced.
   • Open Competitive examination for the requirement of Civil Servants started.
    • Approval of British Crown was made Necessary for all Appointments of councilors,  both central and provisional.

●  Government of India Act - 1858
    • As a result of Sepoy Mutiny 1857, the power to govern was transformed from the East India Company to the British Crown.
   • The Governor General was given title of Viceroy.

●  Indian Council Act - 1861
    • Provisional Legislative Council Introduced.
    • Known as Imperial Legislative Council.
    • Non-officials (Indians) were added and portfolio system was introduced.
    • High Court Established - 1865 under High Court Act, 1861.

●  The Indian Council Act - 1909
    •  Also Known as Morley-Minto Reforms - 1909
    • Start Separate electorate for Muslims.
    • Indians who were elected indirectly can discuss the budget and also cross questioning can be done.

●  Government of India Act - 1919
    • Also known as Montahue-Chelmsford Reforms-1919.
    • Right to vote to Women.
 •Seperate electorate for Sikh in punjab and non-Brahmins in Madras.
    • System of Dyarchy was introduced.
●  Government of India Act - 1935
    • This Act  ended the system of dyarchy introduced by the Government of India Act 1919.

●  The Indian Independence Act - July, 1947
    • The Act provided for setting up of two independent dominions, to be known as India and Pakistan from 15th August, 1947.
    • The Legislature of each dominion would have Right to make Laws for that Dominion.