According to some experts of geo political significance, the Atlantic Ocean is called as the ocean of our grandparents and parents; the Pacific Ocean as the ocean of us and our children and the Indian Ocean as the ocean of our children and grandchildren. It states that, Indian ocean is having a bright future. The one who will rule the Indian Ocean will become new economic leader. Who will seat on the iron throne of Indian Ocean ? , let's figure it out.

   Nowadays, Indian Ocean is making its place in Important international discussions. Why and how Indian Ocean is so important and up to what extent? Here is some official data –

1) Indian Ocean covers 28 Nations having 35% of world’s population (2.7 billion People). Indian ocean countries cover total 17.5% of global land area.

2) 16.8% of world’s proven oil and 27.9% of world’s Natural Gas reserve is in Indian Ocean, yet to be collected.

3) Indian Ocean countries produce 17.8% and 35.5% of world’s gold and iron respectively.

4) 28% of global fish capture and also 4.5% of world’s frozen fish export occur in Indian Ocean.

*(above data is of 2016-17)

How big is it

   Indian Ocean is becoming source of attraction for many powerful countries due to its geopolitical benefits. It is a key through which Europe and Americas are connected to South, South-east, and Indo-pacific countries.

   Whoever controls Indian Ocean would indirectly have control over world economy. Yes, it is true, Indian Ocean can damage world economy to a larger extent if it falls into a wrong hand and that’s make some sense why powerful countries like Russia, US, China, UK, France want dominance over whole Indian Ocean, not only for controlling world trade but also to secure their economy. 

Choke Points

   They are strategic, narrow passages that connect 2 larger areas to one another. When it comes to maritime trade, these are typically straits or canals that see high volumes of traffic because of their optimal location. The Strait of Malacca is primary choke point of Asia.

There are 4 choke points are located in IO -

1) Strait of Malacca

2) Strait of Hormuz

3) Bab-el-Mandeb

4) Mozambique

3 out of 7 primary choke points of world are located in IO.

You can find same in the given map –

   If you are enthusiastic about geo politics, you could feel the importance of these narrow passages through this map. We nowadays often heard about China’s presence in Indian Ocean talks, it because China is everyday trying to increase their influence in Indo Pacific region. It is being done by means of Military exercises or Investment in coast countries. The India is having biggest advantage of geo location at IO, because of these beautiful islands –

   China knows very well that without suppressing India, it would never possible for them to rule IO.

What advantage does India have by sitting on the IO through Andaman & Nicobar Islands?

-> Whichever or whosever ship will cross the Strait of Malacca, will have to pass through to Indian zone, and at very crucial point, India would be seen sitting there with their all three wings of defence.

-> The India can build a trans-shipment port.


   A transshipment is when cargo or a container is moved from one vessel to another while in transit to its final destination. 75% of India’s Transshipment cargo is handled at ports outside India.

-> by developing Military bases in this location would create dominance of India.

-> Extended exclusive economic zone.

   India’s 1/3rd of total exclusive economic zone is contributed by these islands.

Why China is afraid of India?

   China knows that 21th century’s war is all about economy, and they plan every steps in accordance to become economic superpower. China and India’s GDP were almost same in 1950 to 1980 but after that China’s growth was exponential. India and China also have similar history –

1) Both faced colonization,
2) Looted by foreigners,
3) Ancient civilization,

   But where India left behind is when China understood the game of Economy while India was not even thinking of that. China kept developing. 

   China is world’s largest oil and gas importer. Middle east countries provide a huge share of it. You can see the route China takes for Oil and Gas import

   To secure their supply of oil and gas, China played a strategic game. THE GAME OF LOANS, China gives huge loan to the small coast countries of IO in the name of help towards development which later could never be repaid by those countries and China will take control of their ports. Through those ports, China has created a network of it which is known as The String of Pearls

   Now comes India, India indeed could not understand the game of economy in past, but now India has started playing it. India with sitting in between China and middle east's crucial route can alone counter China’s String of Pearls and India has also started developing these islands as now we are aware of boon we have got and If used smartly, no one can rule Indian Ocean except India.

   That’s it, the reason of fear for China. China got stuck with the matter of IO, and could not do much to convince India. To counter this China is making a road network passes through POK and Pakistan named – China Pakistan Economic Corridor, through which China will alter their path for Oil and Gas supplies.


Conclusion – This game of geo politics is never ending. India will keep dominating in IO, and China is indeed a powerful nation with 2nd largest economy but India is not powerless –



   One thing is for sure, Pakistan is new prey to China’s Game of Loans and will end up loosing some crucial part of it.


This is all about today’s post, If you have any, I would be more than happy to hear your opinions on this matter. 

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