●  Born - 19 February 1630 Shivneri Fort, Ahmadnagar Sultanate.

●  Parents - Shahaji (Father), Jijabai (Mother).

●  Clan - Bhonsle.

●  Shivaji was named after a local deity, the goddess Shivai.

●  Shivaji's father Shahaji Bhonsle was a Maratha general who served the Deccan Sultanates.

●  At the time of Shivaji's birth, power in Deccan was shared by three Islamic sultanates
     1) Bijapur
     2) Ahmadnagar
     3) Golkonda.

●  Shivaji was devoted to his mother Jijabai, who was deeply religious.

●  Shahaji married 2nd wife Tuka bai and send Shivaji and jijabai to Pune and left them in the care of his Jagir Administrator Dadoji Konddeo, who has been credited with overseeing the education and training of young Shivaji.

●  1640 - Shivaji married Saibai of the prominent Nimbalkar family.

●  1645 - the teenage Shivaji expressed his concept for Hindavi  Swarajya (Indian self-rule), in a letter. 

●  Words by Shivaji Maharaj - "Never bend your head always hold it high".

●  1645 - the 15-year-old Shivaji bribed Inayat Khan, the Bijapuri commander of the Torna Fort, to hand over possession of the fort to him. The Maratha Firangoji Narsala, who held the Chakan fort, professed his loyalty to Shivaji, and the fort of Kondana was acquired by bribing the Bijapuri governor.

●  1656 - After His father's retirement He seized the valley of Javali.

●  1657 - Adilshah sent Afzal Khan to Arrest Shivaji. Shivajj retreated to Pratapgad fort, Afzal khan was unable to take the Fort.

●  Afzal Khan sent an envoy to Shivaji suggesting the two leaders meet in private outside the fort to parley. 

●  10 November 1659 - Battle of Pratapgad was fought and Won by Shivaji.

●  22 September 1660 - Shivaji negotiated with Siddi Jauhar and handed over the fort of panhala and retook it in 1973.

●  1657 - Shivaji maintained peaceful relations with the Mughal Empire, then Shivaji's confrontations with the Mughals began.

●  January 1660 - Aurangzeb, sent his maternal uncle Shaista Khan, with an army numbering over 150,000 along with a powerful artillery division to attack on Shivaji on request of Badi Begum of Bijapur.

●  April 1663 - Shivaji launched a surprise attack on Shaista Khan in Pune.

●  11 June 1665 -  Shivaji agreed to give up 23 of his forts, keeping 12 for himself, and pay compensation of 400,000 gold hun to the Mughals.

●  12 May 1666 - Aurangzeb made Shivaji stand behind military commanders of his court. Shivaji took offence and stormed out of court and was promptly placed under house arrest under the watch of Faulad Khan, Kotwal of Agra.

●  1666 and 1668, Aurangzeb conferred the title of raja on Shivaji after Shivaji escaped from Agra.

●  1674 - Prataprao Gujar, the commander-in-chief of the Maratha forces, was sent to push back the invading force led by the Bijapuri general, Bahlol Khan. 

●  6 June 1674 - Shivaji was crowned king of Maratha Swaraj in a lavish ceremony at Raigad fort and second time at 24 September 1674.

●  18 June 1674 - Shivaji's mother Jijabai died.

●  Beginning in 1674, the Marathas undertook an aggressive campaign, raiding Khandesh (October), capturing Bijapuri Ponda (April1675),  Karwar (mid-year), and Kolhapur (July).

●  1677 - Shivaji invaded Karnataka with 30,000 cavalry and 40,000 infantry, backed by Golkonda artillery and funding.

●  March 1680, Shivaji fell ill with fever and dysentery.

●  Died - 3 April 1680.

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