Isn't it strange to hear how can ants live more than humans? So, let me define what I mean when I use the term living. Life span is a time or duration of living but we can't define how much one lives just through a life span because speed is also an important factor in life. If you have the speed you will live or experience more than other with comparatively lower speed for the same amount of time. The duration of living is just a relative thing with speed. Living has very little to do with time and more with speed.

    We are humans 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 , so let me take our age of living as 100 years and our speed as a unit of comparison with other living beings. Let me take this comparison with Ants 🐜, ants are small, hardworking, united insects. Ants' life span is 3 to 4 months and their speed is comparatively very high. If someone asks us, who lives more ants or humans? Not some of us but most people's answer would be humans do live more than ants. Yes, it might be correct but when I went thinking deeper, I got realized that both our and ants' life spans might be different but speed is also different. We might live more than ants in terms of time but ants are speedy 🚄 than us. The fastest ant runs at the speed of 108 times its body length which is 360 miles per hour human equivalent quantity. Based on this number, humans do have to run 162 meters per second to defeat ants while the fastest human Usain bolt can run 10.44 meters per second 🏃‍♂️. According to these numbers, the fastest ants are approx.16 times faster than the fastest human 😶. Let's see what results we'll get after applying some basic maths. What humans do works in 16 hours, ants can complete it in 1 hour. The average human life is of 72.6 years according to UN data. We humans do not have much variety compared to ants. There are 13,382 known species of ants. So if we take a black garden ant whose life span is 4 years and if we consider it as 10 times faster than humans (as different ants have different speeds), then it would live 40 years, more than half of the average life of humans. Again many other factors can challenge my thoughts like in a day ant sleeps around 4 or 5 hours split into 20 - 25 naps a day while a human sleeps 8 hours. 

   We have just talked about the fastest ants and humans. Now, let's discuss the average human and ant's speed and age. The average speed of ants is 10-20 body lengths per second while for humans is 3-5 body lengths per second. Here ants are still 3 to 4 times faster, they may live in months but if we need to compare it with a human equivalent life span, we have to multiply age by 3 or 4 to get some real results.

   It is enough 😡. We have insulted humans by comparing them with ants. Now let's make humans feel proud of their speed 😎. For that, I should compare humans with turtles 🐢. The fastest turtle has a speed of 3 mph while the fastest human has 27.5 mph (Usain Bolt). The average age of humans, as we have discussed earlier is around 73 years while turtles can live 150 years or more. Is it justifiable to say that turtles live more than humans? 🤔. The age of living of turtles is double of humans but also the speed of humans is 9 times the speed of a turtle. The turtle life equivalent to a human would be 150÷9 = 16.6 years. On basis of this when turtles live for 150 years, humans can live the same in 16.6 years. Again as in the previous case, it would depend on many other factors. Here in this post we have discussed two examples of humans with ants and humans with turtles we have discussed who lives more and obviously after reading 📚 till here, you could find that living is not in terms of years but also speed is an important factor of life. 

   This post is a work of my thoughts, it has nothing to do with real scientific logic or facts. I have just written what my brain 🧠 allowed me. Science of life is complex, as I have discussed only two examples here but there are many other things or facts which could oppose/challenge my thoughts for ex. trees 🌳 live far more than humans with a speed of 0 mph. So, whatever I wrote, don't consider it research-based. It was just a fun post.